Sunday, November 16, 2008


Well.. Meghan will be three in a couple of weeks and she has quite a vocabulary. I wanted to share a few of her more funny sayings.....

1. Where are we going for a place? ( where are we going?)

2. It's all ruined up (or broked up)'s ruined

3. When she isn't feeling well she always says she's "having a bad day" or if I yell at her for something she asks me if I'm having a bad day.

Hmmm...its so funny because when I started this post I had a million things in my head and now I can't remember one of them!!


Baby Starr said...

You must include her pirate speak!!! I want me crackers, that's my favorite.

Tina Lee said...

Like Cassandra's saying, "I is a flower girl yesterday". She just can't remember saying "I AM"!