Thursday, July 10, 2008

Days of Summer

We have been very busy this summer! We have been playing ans swimming and having a good old time!!!

Some sisterly love....

These were taken at the spray park. Meghan loves it but Hailey is still not sure ...she doesn't like the water spraying on her head.

My little moondoggie....

These are just about the only shots of all three kids together that I can manage to take.
This is at the fountain at Starbuck' is a large fountian where the water sprays up out of the ground...the kids love to run through it...then we had cookies....chocolate chips in 95 degree weather...not my smartest decision ever :-)

1 comment:

Shannon K. said...

Aww man! I want one of those cookies! They look good! :P You have good taste in toddler swimwear too...hehe!