Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Then and Now

I think it really is true what they say about the way you carry boys vs.girls... With both of my girls I carried so high and now with Michael , my stomach is so much lower!! It really is alot different. I don't know which is more uncomfortable, having a baby kicking you in the ribs like the girls did, or laying all over your bladder like Michael does. I swear I have to pee about every 20 minutes!! or at least feel like I do which is so annoying!! Of course, my stomach muscles may just be shot, having had 3 pregnancies and 2 c- sections in under 3 years.

This is me pregnant with Michael at 27 weeks

This is me pregnant with Hailey at 25 weeks...

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1 comment:

Shannon K. said...

Ok..i don't see a difference! :D